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Unique Muskoka tells the Muskoka story and provides a quality, well-read publication to deliver your advertising message. Reaching an engaged audience, Unique Muskoka has a long shelf and repeat readership. It reaches influential decision makers who own Muskoka cottages and homes.
Make the right decision by advertising in Unique Muskoka.
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Unique Muskoka Ad Sizes and Specifications (686 KB)
Discounts: Press-ready and Repeat Ad Discount: All advertisements that are provided press-ready or are repeated without change from a previous issue will receive a 10 per cent discount.
Prepayment Discount: All advertisements that are paid, prior to publication, will receive a discount.
Prepayment by e-transfer, cheque or debit = 5% discount.
Prepayment by Visa or MasterCard = 3% discount.
Publishing Schedule / Release dates: June: May 16. July: June 27. August: Aug 1. September: August 29. Fall/Winter: October 3.
Booking deadline: Four weeks prior to the release date.
Copy deadline: Three weeks prior to the release date.
Average Distribution: 13,400 copies.
For information on advertising opportunities and rates, contact our advertising department at: 705-637-0204.