The Provincial government is currently reviewing the governance, decision-making, and service functions of regional government. The purpose of the review is to help ensure that municipalities are working effectively and efficiently, and can continue to provide the vital services that communities depend on. The public has opportunities to provide input to the review process. The review covers Ontario’s eight regional municipalities(Durham, Halton, Muskoka, Niagara, Oxford County, Peel, Waterloo, York), Simcoe County, and their lower-tier municipalities.
In total, 82 upper and lower-tier municipalities are included in the review. The Province is encouraging the public to participate in the process and provide input.
There are two ways to share your feedback prior to April 23, 2019:
1. Online survey: https://www.ontario.ca/form/survey-regional-government-review
2. Written Submission
- By email: regionalgovreview@ontario.cao
- By mail to:
Local Government Policy Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
777 Bay Street, 13th floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5
Last month representatives of the District Municipality of Muskoka and six area municipalities participated in interviews with the Province of Ontario’s special advisors to the Regional Government Review process. Input was provided by District Chair John Klinck, as well as by mayors Graydon Smith (Town of Bracebridge), Paul Kelly (Town of Gravenhurst), Scott Aitchison (Town of Huntsville), and Peter Koetsier (Township of Georgian Bay), Terry Glover (Township of Lake of Bays), and Phil Harding (Township of Muskoka Lakes).
“The consultation with the special advisors provided an opportunity to highlight the co-operative relationship between our municipalities,” said Chair John Klinck. “The District works closely together with our area municipal partners to create efficiencies, while continuing to provide the programs and services required tobest serve our residents and communities.”
For more information about the review process and submission guidelines, please visit: https://www.ontario.ca/page/consultation-regional-government-review
For more information about the key service responsibilities of the District and Area Municipalities in Muskoka’s two-tier municipal system, please visit: https://www.muskoka.on.ca/en/district-government/About-Muskoka-What-We-Do.aspx